A few months ago we had Brown Brogues come and play one of our parties. They hung out in London for a few days with us, and we all had a ball. One morning though, our usual breakfast place was closed, so we had to get a fry up at Toto’s in Shoreditch. Something was up with the eggs, and Jerry’s guts turned rotten.

That evening, Toto & The Bad Eggs was born into our rehearsal space. Featuring Toto (Jerry Tropicano) on improvised vocals, backed up by his Bad Eggs: Mark (Brown Brogues) on Guitar, Ben (Brown Brogues) on drums, and myself (Luke, Sex Beet) on another guitar.

It has already been said that Toto is “the future of garage,” so have a listen for yourself. Make sure it’s loud. You can also download it for free from our new PNKSLM Recordings site, alongside everything else that we record onto our Tascams.